
Attachment link

A link to a file with metadata of the file contents

This component provides a means to show a link to an attachment with some relevant file data.

It is expected to be embedded inside an element that provides text styles (such as .govuk-body) so does not provide its own text styling.

Search for usage of this component on GitHub.

How it looks (preview) (preview all)

Temporary snow ploughs: guidance note (PDF, 19.5 KB, 1 page)

How to call this component

<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/attachment_link", {
  attachment: {
    title: "Temporary snow ploughs: guidance note",
    url: "",
    filename: "temporary-snow-ploughs.pdf",
    content_type: "application/pdf",
    file_size: 20000,
    number_of_pages: 1
} %>

Accessibility acceptance criteria

All touch targets (e.g the attachment link) must be 24px large, or leave sufficient space (target-size). See Understanding Success Criterion 2.5.8: Target Size (Minimum)).

To achieve this, you can embed the attachment link within another element that maintains sufficient space above and below the target. For instance, you can place individual links inside a paragraph element styled with a .govuk-body class, or as list items in the list component.

Attachment links within paragraphs of text do not need to meet the 24 by 24 CSS pixels requirements.

Links in the component must:

  • accept focus
  • be focusable with a keyboard
  • be usable with a keyboard
  • indicate when they have focus
  • change in appearance when touched (in the touch-down state)
  • change in appearance when hovered
  • be usable with touch
  • be usable with voice commands
  • have visible text
  • have meaningful text

Other examples

Embedded in govuk body (preview)

Temporary snow ploughs: guidance note (PDF, 19.5 KB, 1 page)

<p class="govuk-body">
  <%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/attachment_link", {
  attachment: {
    title: "Temporary snow ploughs: guidance note",
    url: "",
    filename: "temporary-snow-ploughs.pdf",
    content_type: "application/pdf",
    file_size: 20000,
    number_of_pages: 1
} %>

Embedded in govspeak (preview)

This component can be embedded in Govspeak with the [AttachmentLink:] code.

Some introductory information about Temporary snow ploughs: guidance note (PDF, 19.5 KB, 1 page) .

<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/govspeak" do %>
  <p>Some introductory information about <%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/attachment_link", {
  attachment: {
    title: "Temporary snow ploughs: guidance note",
    url: "",
    filename: "temporary-snow-ploughs.pdf",
    content_type: "application/pdf",
    file_size: 20000,
    number_of_pages: 1
} %>.</p>
<% end %>

With target blank (preview)

<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/attachment_link", {
  attachment: {
    title: "Temporary snow ploughs: guidance note",
    url: ""
  target: "_blank"
} %>

With data attributes (preview)

<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/attachment_link", {
  attachment: {
    title: "Temporary snow ploughs: guidance note",
    url: ""
  data_attributes: {
    gtm: "attachment-preview"
} %>